Install wet. Spray bottles with dilute isopropyl alcohol and dilute baby shampoo. Peel and spray *sticker*. Shake off excess. Position and start squeegeeing moisture out with a lint free cloth, from the bottom center outward, using your free hand to pin the opposite side in place. Pause at the edge after each squeeze to wick away excess moisture. Work upward from the center bottom to the top. Use a flashlight to check for bubbles as you work. Plastic tends to bunch up 12,3,6, and 9 o'clock as you force a flat piece to a curved handle space. Look for a hair dryer. Heat the installed plastic gently on high at these little bumps, pressing down on them, and away (up and down, or right and left) until the plastic lies flat. Do not use paper towels. Lint sticks to the glue at the edge.
2 months ago
1 week ago