This is a shop that deals in anime figures. If you like Japanese comics and anime, please don't miss it. You are very welcome to ask questions you want to consult, and we will answer you quickly and patiently.Item Type: figureAnimation source: JapanRecommended age: 16+Material: PVCOrigin: CN (origin)Gender: UnisexCommodity attributes: finished productAnime Character Sources: Movies, TV, Illustrations, Manga.Due to the light, brightness and settings of the monitor, there will be different degrees of color difference in the product picture on different monitors, which is a normal phenomenon.Maintenance matters: It is best to place the figure in a closed transparent display box. Be careful not to place it in a place with high temperature, humidity, sunlight and dust for a long time. If the product has sticky color, please wipe it gently with a cotton swab or nail polish.
1 day ago
3 weeks ago